When I found out how the battery for my Tesla was made … I nearly fell off my chair.
I’d been told electric vehicles (EVs) like mine were “zero emissions” vehicles … and they were great for the environment.
But after some research, I realized I was hoodwinked.
Clean energy isn’t as clean as I thought.
The Real Cost of Tesla’s EV Batteries
Since the EV was powered by electricity, I wanted to see what it took to make the battery that was powering my Tesla.
To make a battery for an EV, you need to dig up 500,000 pounds of dirt. That’s the only way to get the minerals and metals — such as lithium, cobalt and graphite — you need.
All that earth needs to be hauled away with dump trucks — like the CAT 797.
This vehicle is ginormous. Just one of them drinks 235,000 gallons of diesel fuel each year. These massive trucks account for up to half of a mine’s energy usage.
So while we dig up materials for EV batteries, hoping to replace gas-fueled cars, each dump truck will burn up as much fuel as 423 passenger cars.
And that only scratches the surface.
Tell me again… how this is good for the environment?
The Real Talk is this: It’s not. It’s just another lie we’ve been told. And I’m sick of it!
I’ve spent the past year researching and uncovering the truth behind this clean energy scam.
Now, I’ve put together a special report with everything I’ve found. And it’s completely free for you.
Because instead of being fed more lies, I want to share the truth with you.
Read your free report now.
In this report, I’ve also included a very simple way you can profit from what’s happening in energy right now.
If you like what you hear — and I know you will — then please come back next week. Because I’ve got more that’s going to blow your socks off.
See you then.
Charles Mizrahi
Founder, Alpha Investor
P.S. I saw a lot of you writing in after last week’s Banyan Edge about Biden’s green energy blunder.
Thank you, Jim, Scott, John, Al, Colleen, La Monte, Steven, Maurice, Doug, Melody and many others!
I loved hearing how many of you are on the same page as me when it comes to oil.
I think you’ll really like what I have coming up for you. And please, keep the emails coming! I enjoy reading every one.
This week, I’d love to know: did you think Tesla vehicles were “zero emissions” like I did? Email me at [email protected].
And In Case You Missed It…
Former Governor Mike Huckabee was concerned about the market…
He rattled off the names of all the different experts making doom-and-gloom predictions.
Then Charles Mizrahi shared this one chart showing 100 years of market history. And revealed his plan to invest $1 million.
When Governor Huckabee saw that, his face perked up. He smiled and said: “…We have a 100% chance of making money.”
Click below to see the chart that put a million-dollar smile on his face…
Some Sage Advice From a 99-Year-Old Legend
Charlie Munger is Warren Buffett’s longtime business partner, having joined him at Berkshire in 1978.
He’ll turn 100 on January 1. Only compared to Munger does Buffett seem like a strapping young lad at 92.
Buffett and Munger are two of the oldest professional money managers in history, and their longevity is directly related to how they manage money.
This year, Berkshire will have owned Coca-Cola for 35 years, American Express for 30 years and Moody’s for 23 years. When you own solid businesses and you’re willing to be patient and let them work, there isn’t much to actually do. That means your stress levels are manageable … which tends to be good for a long life.
Munger is often thought of as Buffett’s witty sidekick. But he was also a wildly successful investor in his own right before partnering with Buffett.
Between 1962 and 1975, Munger ran an investing partnership — what we would call a hedge fund today — and generated compound annual returns of 19.8%. (The Dow Jones Industrial Average — the market benchmark of the time — returned only 5% over the same time.)
At any rate, Berkshire Hathaway just released its annual letter to investors, so I have Buffett and Munger on my mind.
Buffett pens the letter himself, but this year he included a long list of recent quotes from Munger. I picked a few of my favorites:
“A string of wonderful numbers times zero will always equal zero. Don’t count on getting rich twice.”
It can take a lifetime to build a nest egg … and a single bad trade to blow it up. If you take losses early in your investing career, you have time to make it up. But late in your career, you don’t.
This is why risk management is critically important. Don’t overconcentrate in any one stock or sector, and know when to pull the ripcord and eject!
“You have to keep learning if you want to become a great investor. When the world changes, you must change.”
While Buffett and Munger are old and “stubbornly patient,” in Munger’s words, they are far from set in their ways. Munger used the example of railroads. For decades, he hated railroad stocks, but the economics of the industry changed … and so Munger changed his mind. Today, BNSF
Railway is one of Berkshire Hathaway’s largest wholly-owned private companies.
“Patience can be learned. Having a long attention span and the ability to concentrate on one thing for a long time is a huge advantage.”
We live in a world of 15-second TikTok videos and 140-character tweets. Having the attention span to read an annual report or dig through the accounting statements will actually set you apart in this day and age!
You don’t have to invest your entire portfolio in “Buffett and Munger” style investments. I’m personally a big fan of spreading my investments across styles.
I have my buy-and-hold dividend silo, my real estate silo and various short-term trading silos.
But for the part of your portfolio that you want to keep low maintenance and low stress, Buffett and Munger is the way to go.
By the way, Charles Mizrahi shares a similar philosophy. Like Buffett and Munger, he focuses on strong businesses he intends to hold for years … if not forever! That makes him one of the best guys to listen to for stress-free investment guidance.
Charles recently invested $1 million into a handful of companies that make up his “Inevitable Portfolio.” These are the kind of sleep-well-at-night, no-nonsense, buy-and-sit-on-your-hand stocks that are the exact right buys during a bear market.
You can learn all about it right here.
Charles Sizemore
Chief Editor, The Banyan Edge