For the first time in forever, I have frozen all of my credit reports at the three major credit bureaus (Equifax Freeze, Experian Freeze, TransUnion Freeze). The balance between the guaranteed hassle of maintaining a credit freeze and the potential hassle of dealing with an identity theft attempt has finally shifted enough towards just having them frozen as a default position.
Luckily, it has become even easier than I remembered. These days, you no longer need to call in or provide a special PIN to unfreeze your credit reports. You can freeze and thaw your credit reports using an online account at each bureau (secured by text 2FA) within minutes, and set the thaw to only last just a day or week. I like that it will automatically re-freeze your report. Just make sure you have a good password manager.
The most annoying bureau was probably Experian, which always seems to ask for an upsell to their paid monitoring service at every login attempt, and also suggests their “CreditLock” service when you try to add a freeze – a paid service which I bet tricks a certain percentage of visitors. Credit Freezes are regulated and should be completely free and never require a credit card nor trial agreement.
I also looked into freeze the credit reports for all three of my kids, but it does seem to require much more physical paperwork and multiple identification documents to be mailed in.
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