If you desire that moniker, especially in business, you need to produce ideas that are exemplary, responsible, or magnanimous. Consider the benefit of your idea to society. Keep creatures in mind. Obtain multiple perspectives. Address the underserved or ignored. Enlist the triple bottom line–profit, people, planet.
When you consider how individuals, communities, or the environment gain from your idea, then you know your goal is heading in the right direction, and not trivial. When you consider a gap, something that is missing, a void you can fill, again, then you know your idea will be consequential.
Here’s the rub–brainstorming or other well-used ideation processes might produce meh ideas or inconsequential ideas. Those processes don’t assess whether an idea is good, bad, or even outright harmful. Meh ideas don’t lead to the palace.
If you are unable to drop in for high tea, let me explain here. A new ideation process–the Three Gs– will help you generate ideas that matter, worthwhile ideas, in any field from the start.
To tap it, you need to identify the:
Goal—What you want to achieve
Gap—The missing piece that your idea provides
Gain—The overall benefits of your idea
Having a goal is a noble pursuit, but it is easy to lose sight of the idea along the way, to give up, to fizzle out. And then, the why of it all. Why is this goal an advantageous pursuit? Does your goal address a gap (the neglected middle-child of idea generation), something that’s missing in the marketplace or sector? What does the world gain from this idea? What is the idea’s additive value? All worthy questions for a queen to ponder.
A goal alone is not enough. Having a goal doesn’t make it fitting for a monarch—it might be a hollow goal or a goal that will cause harm to individuals, society, business, creatures, or the environment. The value of The Three Gsis this: When you identify a goal, a gap, and a gain, then you know your consequent idea will have value.
The three imperatives–The Three Gs—goal, gap, and gain—unlock an idea. The Three Gs can help you understand what a valuable idea is, how it works, and how to generate one. Furthermore, the Three Gs yield ideas that move the needle, ideas that are not inconsequential but substantive, ideas that will make a difference because you are seeking an outcome with a benefit.
As Queen, what will your legacy be? People take stock, especially Gen Z and Gen Alpha. There is no one way to generate an idea but there are three ways to ensure it’s a good one and so you don’t waste time on fruitless endeavors.

The most worthwhile ideas offer something that matters, something that responds to a need or fills a void. Besides being formulaic, the worst ideas are those that are dangerous to people or the planet. A responsible queen thinks beyond pomp and profit–is caring and socially inclusive.
Using the Three Gs path gives you the keys to the kingdom. Make the crown your own.
This guest post was authored by Robin Landa

Robin Landa is a distinguished professor at Kean University and a globally recognized ideation expert. She is a well-known “creativity guru” and a best-selling author of books on creativity, design, and advertising.
Robin has won numerous awards and The Carnegie Foundation counts her among the “Great Teachers of Our Time.” She is the author of several books including The New Art of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential.
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