Targeted Chase Bonuses for ‘Pay Over Time’
Chase is sending out emails to select cardholders with an offer to try ‘pay over time” and earn a bonus. Looks like these offers are going out for most Chase credit cards, but you must be targeted directly in order to be eligible.
In order to earn the bonus, you need to pay over time on your first purchase of $1,000 or more, now through 03/31/23. The bonus varies by card:
- IHG Cards: 14,500 IHG points
- UR Cards: 6,000 Ultimate Rewards
Once you complete the requirements, your bonus will post 6-8 weeks later.
Offer Terms
- You will qualify for and receive your bonus if you create your first My Chase Plan between 02/14/2023 and 03/31/2023.
- Plan must be for a purchase of $1,000 or more.
- To be eligible for this offer, your account must be open and not in default at the time of fulfillment.
- Only one bonus per eligible account.
- Credit card product changes during the promotional period will forfeit this bonus offer.
- The value of this offer or program may result in miscellaneous income received from Chase and we may be required to send you, and file with the IRS, a Form 1099-MISC (Miscellaneous Information) or Form 1042-S (Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding) for the year in which you participate and are awarded the benefits of the offer/program.
- An eligible purchase transaction for My Chase Plan is a purchase of at least $100, but may not include certain transactions, such as (a) cash-like transactions, (b) any fees owed to us, including Annual Membership Fees, and (c) purchases made under a separate promotion or special finance program. Eligible purchases will be identified within your transaction history on chase.com or the Chase Mobile App.
- The My Chase Plan Fee is 1.72% of the amount of each eligible purchase transaction or amount selected to create a My Chase Plan.
Guru’s Wrap-up
There’s a fee of 1.72% which means that you have to pay at least $17 in fees. Should still be worth it.
Let me know if you have received one of these offers.
HT: reddit