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Pruning Season: How to Spring Clean Your Life and Business

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You know, so often when we think of spring cleaning, our minds immediately go to cleaning out the kitchen, washing baseboards, and color coordinating the closet – decluttering.

But today, I want us to go deeper. I want you to think about how you can declutter your internal closet and release things that may be affecting your life and professional growth. Our internal space needs the same level of honor and attention as the external.

Think about your business and your life. What have you been holding onto that is slowing down your train of progress? What is causing you to feel stuck right now? Take a moment to self assess; sort through the corners of your mind and identify any piles of doubt and fear that are blocking you from your highest potential.

Having a successful career and running a successful business are not only about meeting deadlines and coming in first-place on the sales goal for your company. Success is also about building a foundation of alignment with personal fulfillment. Are you

  • living in purpose on purpose?
  • being authentic to who you are and what you believe in?
  • saying, “no” to things that no longer serve you?
  • holding onto old, worn out conditions, relationships, and perceptions of yourself – just to fit in?

Here are five ways to make sure you spring clean your life and business as well as your home.

Take out the trash.

Empty your thought trash. Take out what is expired, rotten and replace those thoughts with new ones that will move you in the direction of your desire fulfilled.

Live your truth.

Show up authentically. So many people in the world show up to their jobs and to their businesses as a watered down version of themselves. When you do this, you rob yourself of the gift of being your unique self, which eats at your self-confidence.

Don’t be afraid to ask for – or hire – help.

Don’t be afraid to employ a laundry service, a cleaning service, a personal assistant to come in and take tasks off your workload (clean out email box, refresh branding & social media, update website). You can’t win big constantly by being a one-woman show. That’s a recipe for burnout. Hire help; you need help and it’s okay to give yourself permission to get it.

Review your goals.

Revise and realign by asking yourself, “Is this what I really want and, if so, am I doing what is required to get there? Am I willing to pivot, coming from a place of awareness and not defeat?”

Become a Joiner.

You need a community that supports your growth and empowers you to strive for excellence – hold you accountable. I challenge you to find your tribe this spring. It will give you a burst of new life, energy, and growth, like the sun gives life to the trees that blossom in their fullness each year.

Spring clean yourself; declutter your heart; refresh your attitude toward life. Watch how your altitude changes when you’re not weighed down – but oh-so-free from internal clutter!

This guest post was authored by Regina Bonds

Regina Bonds, also affectionately known as the Confidence Guru, is celebrated as one of the world’s most trusted voices for women, challenging them to use their confidence to improve, enhance, and ultimately elevate their lives. She has a bachelor’s in Psychology and a minor in life coaching, as well as a master’s in women’s counseling. Bonds is a sought-after speaker, mentor, and expert to those who are tired of living mediocre lives and ready to live in the realm of unstoppable confidence.

Regina has worked with women from around the world, helping them recognize their value, find their voice, and clarify their path through the power of her Confidence Formula. She is a change agent, spiritual catalyst, and a confidence accelerator to many. Regina helps women who are seeking actionable ways to unlock the confidence needed to achieve their dreams.

The post Pruning Season: How to Spring Clean Your Life and Business appeared first on Ms. Career Girl.

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