Loughborough Building Society has brought out a new remortgage product especially for holiday let landlords.
Borrowers with properties used with Airbnb may apply.
It is available at 75% LTV on a two-year discount, giving an initial rate of 3.05%. The remortgage charges zero fees and comes with a free valuation.
The lender says that it can only be used by individual landlords and on properties in England and Wales.
Loughborough business development manager Ashley Pearson says: “This feels like the right time to offer an exclusive product for holiday let landlords to re-mortgage onto.
“No doubt they’ve had a busy summer and now’s the time of year when they may want to start thinking about some home improvements in readiness for next year’s rush so with this product, they can add extra borrowing if they wish.”
Loughborough introduced its holiday let offering suitable for use on Airbnb properties to its mortgage range in August this year.