Home » How to Profit in the Stock Market’s Downside

How to Profit in the Stock Market’s Downside

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The S&P 500 is up over 8% to start the year. The Fed gave the smallest rate hike it possibly could. Inflation is cooling, with Jerome Powell even saying the magic word “disinflation.”

These all seem like signs to assume we’ve entered the next bull. But the market has never made it that easy and it never will.

Looking past the headline numbers grants us a different story. Valuations are still way too high. Accusations of fraud are being leveled at massive enterprises, and making a big impact.

And we must remember the dead cat bounce, which can take stock prices high enough to convert all but the most steadfast bear into a bright-eyed bull. Even the 2000 tech bust had a 40% dead cat bounce that fooled almost everyone.

Today in the Banyan Edge Podcast alongside Mike Carr and Adam O’Dell, we’re going to explore the still very real profit potential on the downside. Because if you know how to trade it well, you can make even more money than when times are good… and whole lot faster.

Just click here or the thumbnail below to see what big ideas we’re cooking up to help you profit in the stock market’s downside.

This is a special week to focus on the short side. Because in less than 24 hours, Adam O’Dell is going live with his Next Big Short.

Every American with a 401(k) or a pension needs to hear this. Because unless you’re willing to take drastic measures with your portfolio, it’s almost impossible to avoid exposure to the company in Adam’s crosshairs.

Adam goes live tomorrow at 1 p.m. ET with all the details. I’ll be watching and I highly suggest you do the same. Just click here to sign up.

Charles Sizemore's Signature
Charles Sizemore
Chief Editor, The Banyan Edge

Original Article

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