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Grants for Trucking Companies and Truck Driving School

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Trucking companies provide essential services to keep the U.S. supply chain going. As such, there are plenty of grants for truck drivers, trucking companies, and potential owner/operators who want to break into the industry. Some options come from the government. And others may be available through schools or local organizations. Here are several grants to start a trucking company, break into the industry, or expanding a current operation.

Federal Transit Administration Grants

The U.S. Federal Transit Administration offers several grant opportunities throughout the year that may be relevant to trucking companies. These programs are generally competitive and posted on Grants.gov. You can see a full list of current opportunities and stay up to date with new options on this website.

CMV Operator Safety Training Grant

The Commercial Motor Vehicle Operator Safety Training Grant is a program of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The purpose is to increase the number of CMV operators, particularly current and former members of the Armed Forces and their spouses. The grant doesn’t go directly to trucking businesses, but rather to state and local governments and truck driving schools. Companies that offer training program to those looking to enter the CMV industry may qualify for funds.

NASE Growth Grants

The National Association for the Self-Employed offers its Growth Grants program to businesses in a variety of industries. Grants may provide up to $4,000, and can cover growth activities like hiring, expanding, and marketing. You must be a NASE member to qualify. And this isn’t specifically for trucking businesses. But owner/operators who are currently self employed and want to expand may qualify.

USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grants

Truckers based in rural areas may qualify for Rural Business Enterprise Grants through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Trucking businesses in qualified rural communities may apply for grants of between $10,000 to $500,000. Again, this program isn’t specific to trucking companies. But those in rural areas outlined on the USDA’s website can benefit from this program.

Truck Driving School Grants

In addition to grants for trucking companies, there are also truck driving school grants available for those just entering the industry. These may help cover the costs of enrolling in an accredited truck driving school. Some programs offer funding for various types of schooling and career training, like The Pell Grant. There’s also The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which offers funding for adult education and training programs like truck driving school.


The U.S. Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program offers grants to support workforce development in industries that are impacted by trade. Grants can help cover the cost of career training programs like truck driving school. The program isn’t specific to grants for truck driving school, but this is one industry that may fall under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for Workers program.

VA Education and Training Benefits Grants

The VA Education and Training Benefits program supports career development opportunities for veterans and their spouses in critical economic fields. Truck drivers are essential to the U.S. supply chain. So this is one industry that may qualify for assistance under this program. Veterans, current service members, and their spouses can apply for these grants to cover all or part of their CDL training.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "Grants for Trucking Companies and Truck Driving School" was first published on Small Business Trends

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