Home » DNA Data Debrief, Not So Fine China & Never Break The Blockchain

DNA Data Debrief, Not So Fine China & Never Break The Blockchain

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Y’all Ready For More Greatness?

Oh hey! It’s us again — the Great Stuff Team.

Y’all knew there was a team behind all the fun you’ve been receiving … right? Mr. Great Stuff … he’s just this guy, you know?

Anyway, we’re busy, you’re busy, everyone’s busy doing nothing. A few of you have mentioned that you’re often drowning under the deluge of info and other assorted inbox delights. (Is there such a thing as too much Greatness? Nah…)

That’s why we’re adding one more email to the weekly pile — yeah! But this time, we’re streamlining your inbox like only Great Stuff can.

Every Sunday, we’ll sit around and shoot the Stuff, bringing you other articles, perspectives and trade opportunities from our friends here at Banyan Hill.

It’s like a powwow with your fellow Great Ones … just with less Kumbaya. (And don’t bust out any Wonderwall next time the guitar goes around, you hear?)

So grab your graham crackers and marshmallows, and come huddle closer to the Great Stuff campfire.

Spooky season is right around the corner, so it’s no wonder we’ve got some spine-tingling stories to share with you today … from DNA-storage technology to China’s real estate market meltdown.

Check out the deets below and let us know what you think: GreatStuffToday@BanyanHill.com.

Ron Burgundy Blockchain Big Deal Meme

Insane In The Blockchain

Everybody’s talking crypto claptraps and bitcoin boogaloos, but what about the technology behind it all? Without blockchain, crypto traders would be up a creek without a paddle, never knowing if their transactions were safe or secure. Guess that’s why Paul Mampilly’s targeted three blockchains for the upcoming crypto boom…

Beats market 51X impossible meme

1 Strategy Stronger Than Adam-antium

We thought Great Stuff Picks knocked it out of the park — and they are, no worries — but then comes Adam O’Dell spinning some tale about beating the market 51 times over. But here’s where things get interesting: Adam says returns like this aren’t just possible — they’re replicable every week! Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

So busy developing dna storage meme

You, Me & DNA Privacy

First came the innocent genetic tests to find your ancestors’ stomping grounds. Next came raw data-storage solutions using — you guessed it — human DNA. Will scientists never learn?! Look, I’m all for the life-saving precision medicine that DNA studies provide, but what about the genetic privacy concerns that come from using human DNA to replace, say, all the world’s data centers?

What's the deal with Lidar tech meme

It’s Like Radar … But Radder

Y’all’ve heard of radar by now, right? You know, the ancient tech that bounces radio waves off objects to determine their exact location? Radar is so last millennium. The new tech on the block is something called “lidar,” and it uses laser beams to help machines like electric vehicles see the world around them. It’s pretty cool … once you get past the whole “laser beam” thing.

New listing Evergrande 3 bath meme

China’s Delusions Of Evergrandeur

Mountains of debt, real estate collapse, a potential government bailout … where have I heard this before? If China doesn’t stem Evergrande’s default contagion, it could face an economic collapse very similar to the U.S.’s 2008 financial crisis. But what does this mean for you and your portfolio?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! We’ll be back with you tomorrow to … well … do it all over again.

In the meantime, write to us whenever the market muse calls to you! GreatStuffToday@BanyanHill.com is where you can reach us best.

And here’s where you can find our other junk — erm, I mean where you can check out some more Greatness:

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  • Our Inbox: GreatStuffToday@BanyanHill.com.

Until next time, stay Great!

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