Home » 10 Revealing Statistics About The Truck Driving Profession

10 Revealing Statistics About The Truck Driving Profession

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Truck driving is a tough job in an unnoticeable industry that ironically brings in almost 90% of what Americans consume.

Truckers move almost 70% of America’s freight at a lower cost than any other mode of transportation.

As part of America’s transportation machinery, Truckers must go through job challenges to keep the country and its economy moving forward. They are so critical that the country’s economy would literally grind to a halt without them.

We have gathered these statistics to help you find out more about this difficult but underrated profession.

1.) Is Truck Driving A Common Profession in the US?

In 29 out of the 50 U.S. states, the Truck Driving profession abounds. Almost 30% of the truckers are between the ages of 45-54, with a mere 5% of them below the age of 24.

2.) The Average Annual Salary of a Truck Driver in 2022

The average truck driver’s hourly rate is $23.67 per hour, this could mean the average annual salary for a truck driver could reach $71,207 annually, earning more than the average American wage earner with an average salary of approximately $51,000.

Related Read: The Road to Passive Income for Truck Drivers

3.) The Average Life Expectancy of a Truck Driver

Being a professional truck driver means facing many dangers on the road, but that’s just one of the risks. They may also develop stress in their relationships and miss important occasions with their loved ones because of the nature of their jobs. the average life expectancy for American men is 78 years, and the average life expectancy for American truck drivers is only 61 years.

4.) The Number of Professional Truck Drivers In the USA

If you live in America, chances are there’s a truck driver around you. There are currently 3.6 million of them, but the industry still needs 1.1 million more for the next 10 years due to a shortage in truck drivers. The state of Texas has the most truck drivers, with 195,850 truckers currently living in the lone star state.

5.) Trucking Jobs, Galore! But Why Aren’t There Any Drivers?

Job seekers need not look any further than the trucking industry. The US doesn’t have enough trucking professionals. According to the American Trucking Association, the trucking industry is currently short by 80,000 drivers.

Image by DEZALB from Pixabay

Here are some of the reasons why:

  • The trucker workforce is near retirement at 48+ median age
  • There is a struggle to find qualified new hires to replace the retiring truckers
  • The unattractive trucker lifestyle away from family and friends

6.) How Many Truck Drivers Are Female?

Of the 3.6 million professional truck drivers in the United States, only 6% are women. The male-dominated truck driving industry is more likely to give promotions and higher wages to men than women in similar positions. Although its been reported that 17% of females are still interested in becoming truck drivers.

7.) Top 4 Products That Rely Most On The Trucking Industry

The trucking industry transported 70% of goods within the US. If the country were handed a bill for freight services, it would show that 80% of the bill amount came from the trucking industry.

These are the products that rely most on the trucking industry:

  1. Dairy, Fruit, Vegetables, and Nuts – 92%
  2. Lumber and Wood Products – 91.9%
  3. Agricultural Products – 82.7%
  4. Pharmaceutical Products – 65%

8.) The Mileage Across the US Truck Drivers Cover In A Year

Truckers spend most of their time on the road, driving an average of 100,000 miles per year. Mostly driving 200 to 400 miles in a day. Unfortunately, most full-time truckers are only able to spend 18% of their time with their families as they spend 300 days a year on the road.

9.) 5 Health Risks Long-Haul Truckers Face

A trucker’s lifestyle is a lot different than the average person’s. While it can provide a wide range of freedoms, it is inherently unhealthy and dangerous. From munching on those comfort food while on the road and sitting for hours to lack of sleep.

Here are the long-term trucking life health risks:

  • Obesity – 69%
  • Cigarette Smoking – 51%
  • Lack of Health Coverage – 38%
  • Morbid Obesity – 17%
  • Diabetes – 14%

10.) This Happens When Truckers Stop Going To Work

The trucking industry is essential to our everyday lives that we can’t even imagine what life would be like without truck drivers making sure commodities are transported from point A to point B.

Here are the scenarios that could happen:

  • Straight Away, ATMs will run out of cash
  • A few hours and manufacturing comes to a halt
  • After 2 Days Gas Stations will be empty of fuel
  • In a matter of 3 Days, there will be a shortage of Food

11.) Bonus Stats

Thanks for making it all the way through here.

Just a small bit of trivia before you leave.

One Trucker’s CB Radio Call Crippled America

When the OPEC oil crisis erupted in 1973, one fed-up trucker turned off his engine in the middle of the interstate highway and picked up his CB radio microphone.

The trucker using his CB handle “River Rat,” announced to fellow truckers that he made an impromptu decision to block the interstate highway I-80 near Pennsylvania in protest of high fuel prices and fuel rationing that made him inconveniently stop at every fuel station along his route.

This act of disobedience inspired a nationwide protest of truckers who shut down highways for 3 days and created a gasoline shortage in many states.

The small protest lasted only 3 days, but it inspired many nationwide major strikes in the following years that led to 100,000 job losses, a nationwide food and goods shortage, and several deaths.

Alvin Medalla

Alvin Medalla

Alvin is a WordPress wizard and an all-around website ninja. He is the content manager, research specialist, image expert, and statistics aficionado – here on the Dumb Passive Income blog. Alvin Medalla

Alvin Medalla

Alvin is a WordPress wizard and an all-around website ninja. He is the content manager, research specialist, image expert, and statistics aficionado – here on the Dumb Passive Income blog.Original Article

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