I remember my first Apple iPhone vividly.
Mostly because I was in the middle of college, working two retail jobs. It was my first big “splurge.”
I’d been an iPod devotee for years. And in 2010, the iPhone 4 wasn’t quite ready to replace my music player — but it was getting closer.
And just like that, I was sucked into Apple’s universe. My photos, apps, assignment due dates and emails were all in the palm of my hand.
Twelve years later, not much has changed — except for the fact that I’ve added to my Apple products.
I work on a MacBook Pro at home, while my 4-year-old daughter prefers to watch the newest episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood on her iPad. (We are a house divided, though, as my husband prefers Android. That’s right — he spoils our group chats with his green texts!)
But as Ian pointed out this week, one day, there will be another must-have Apple product that we’ll need in our household.
The Apple Car.
My kids are only 4 and 2 at the moment, but I imagine that in 15 years, electric vehicles (and even autonomous vehicles!) will be commonplace to them. And that will include the Apple Car.
I’ll be test-driving one as soon as they’re on the road, but what about you? If money was no object, would you buy an Apple Car? Let us know at WinningInvestorDaily@BanyanHill.com.
And check out what your fellow readers had to say in this week’s RAD mailbag!
RAD Mailbag: Apple Car and EVs
(These responses have been lightly edited for clarity and length.)
Winning Investor Nation, you didn’t hold back when it comes to your thoughts on Apple!
Let’s start with Chandra, who wrote:
No, [I would] absolutely not [buy an Apple Car]. Apple is evil and I never buy any of their products. Don’t do iTunes or Apple TV. They refuse to follow standardization so they can force you to buy specialized products over and over. It may make money (don’t understand all the Zombies), but it isn’t something I can tolerate.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Chandra. Apple is definitely a “love it or hate it” kind of company.
Next up is Dale. He said:
We are both 72. I told my wife that we’ll probably only buy one more car and that it would need to be fully self-driving. (Hey, I enjoy driving, but I’m 72.) The last five vehicles I’ve bought have all been Toyotas (I buy quality, not style). But we both have iPhones (for her it’s Apple, for me it’s security — I don’t trust Google or Microsoft.) So would I buy an Apple Car? Yes, if it’s inexpensive enough for me to pay cash ([less than] $100K).
Thanks, Dale! I drive a Toyota too — reliability over style any day!
And last but not least is Marty:
I love the EV revolution. However, I’m not quite ready yet.
When they have a battery that will last and recharge for up to 400,000 to 500,000 miles before having to be replaced and you can go at least 400 miles before having to recharge, and you can fully recharge in less than 30 minutes and the car prices come down substantially, then I will pull the trigger for an EV.
Also, auto insurance is substantially higher on EVs than on your typical gas car.
Until then, I will keep polluting with gas instead of Coal.
(Most electricity is still generated with Coal. Not sure if we are really going green!)
Thank you, Marty! I agree, there’s still a ways to go before EVs will reach mass adoption — but the Apple Car may just be the tipping point.
If you’re interested in investing in cleaner energy, Ian is writing about a near-perfect renewable energy source in the October issue of Strategic Fortunes. He’s also recommending a stock that has the potential to double your money within the next three years.
If you’re a subscriber, you’ll see that issue hit your inbox by the middle of next week! And if not, why haven’t you joined us yet? Just click here to sign up today.
Don’t forget: You can catch up on this week’s articles by clicking on the links below.
This Week’s Winning Ideas: Apple Car and Beyond
The Fed Is Battling Inflation Right — Here’s Why — Ian King delivers a hot take on the Federal Reserve’s plan to battle inflation with aggressive rate hikes. Bottom line: The Fed is doing the right thing.
How to Beat Inflation With 2.0 Tech — Ian and Amber Lancaster break down three 2.0 tech companies that are beating inflation by capitalizing on lithium — just like Tesla.
The #1 New Energy Battery for 2022 — Renewable “new” energy is the future. Enter Lithium-ion: the rechargeable new energy battery that could make MASSIVE profits by 2030.
Why Apple Cars Could Top Tesla EVs — The Apple Car, or “Project Titan,” could topple Tesla’s EV game. It might just hook us in like the iPhone. Here’s what you need to know…
The #1 Growing Tech for Modern Businesses — Netflix, Spotify and Slack are using this one tech that could become a $537 billion market. Amber reveals her top stock pick in this space for 2022!
Best wishes,
Tiffany D’Abate
Senior Managing Editor, Banyan Hill Publishing