The Financial Intermediary & Broker Association has added Paragon Bank to its lender panel.
Specialist lender Paragon lends to landlords across the sector, from limited companies and limited liability partnerships through to new entrants to the market.
Alongside its buy-to-let products, it also offers a range of short-term finance products for light, standard, and heavy refurbishment, covering anything from energy efficiency improvements to converting a property to a house in multiple occupation.
The business also holds a forward funding facility, designed for landlords looking to expand their property portfolios.
Fiba chair Martin Reynolds says: “I’ve worked alongside the Paragon team over a number of years, and I know well the quality of service and support they bring to the specialist BTL markets.
“Paragon is also a strong educator in the sector, and we look forward to engaging in the future for our members’ longer-term benefit”.
Paragon Bank national account manager Sally Wright adds: “Working with Fiba members makes sense for both parties; Paragon’s wealth of experience and expertise in serving specialist markets is closely aligned to the complex business that Fiba brokers are often so well-versed in.”
The move comes after Lloyds Bank and HSBC joined the Fiba panel last month.
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